I know I said in part B...
That I wouldn't bother reviewing every seperate thing, but I have a lot to say about these submissions.
Afro_Ninja: Very nice. The character wasn't the best, but you used him very well, so I can't really complain. You did the animation really good. The noir style was cool too. Then the guy go splat on wall.
Sqeezy: Nice. The animtion was pretty funny looking at times, and then other times, it looked messed up. And that one time, the guys foot looked disembodied. The end pretty cool too. Only one problem, the replay button doesn't work.
Tommy_LM: Once again, my fav in the time trial. Your drawing style is really cool, and the animatino is good too. Kinda reminds me of Synj. The expressions were good, and I especially liked the end.
Your replay button works.
Openwounds: I knew that at least one person would use the thing taking place in a nightclub. I didn't know why, I just knew. The animation was fluid, but the graphics at times needed a lot of work. But it was still good.
Once again, an excellent time trial.